Connected - 20hTime-Out:
The normal xFOB to xHUB connection will automatically time-out after 20h and shut down your engine(s). This is to prevent unnecessary battery drainage of the xFOB battery. Click xFOB again to reconnect.
Override Mode - 8hTime-Out:
Override Mode automatically times out after 8h and shuts down your engine(s) to prevent engine start if the boat is left unobserved.
MOB Mode - 2hTime-Out:
MOB Mode automatically times out after 2h shuts down your engine(s). This is to prevent engine start if the boat is left unobserved after leaving the boat without disconnecting the xFOB.
time out, time-out, forget FOB in boat, active time, MOB Mode, connected time, automatic time out, 20 hours time out, 8 hours time out, 2 hours time out
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